Events & Getaways

Time away from the office is vital to your mental health. From intimate group getaways to live meet-ups and salon dinners we specialize in bringing people together in off-grid, immersive environments where they can relax, celebrate and live their best life together.

Our premium getaways are fulfilling and welcome up to 20 like-minded women of color in coveted destinations. Access to our exclusive getaways requires a one (1) time, FREE digital application approval so that we can get to know you and ensure you are the right fit for group dynamics. If you have additional questions, check out our FAQs.

While our intimate events are hosted at unique venues and will help you evolve in areas where you need growth. Events are open to the public and you can secure your spot by purchasing a ticket or RSVP. You won't be able to resist our experiences, so don't try!

Group Getaways

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